What is Shockwave Therapy?

Introduction to Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy is an effective, non-invasive treatment option for a variety of musculoskeletal and soft tissue conditions. It is a safe and effective treatment for many types of injuries and chronic pain. Shockwave Therapy utilizes sound waves to deliver energy to the affected area, and has been used as a treatment for many years.

History of Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy has been around since the early 1980s, when it was first used to treat kidney stones. Since then, advancements and improvements have been made to the technology and it is now used to treat a variety of soft tissue conditions. Shockwave Therapy is a popular treatment option, as it is non-invasive and often provides quicker results than other treatments.

How Shockwave Therapy Works

Shockwave Therapy works by delivering a series of high-energy sound waves to the affected area. These sound waves interact with the body’s tissues and cells, stimulating a healing response. Shockwave therapy also kills what’s known as senescent cells. These cells aren’t functional, cause inflammation, and prevent regeneration. These cells accumulate as we age. Shockwave therapy also breaks down adhesion. This can improve circulation, reduce pain, accelerate healing, and improve range of motion.

Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy offers a variety of benefits, including improved circulation, pain reduction, increased range of motion, and accelerated healing. It is also a safe and non-invasive treatment option for many types of injuries and chronic pain.

Conditions Treated by Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy has been used to treat a variety of musculoskeletal and soft tissue conditions, including tendinopathies, adhesion, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, and other conditions. It can also be used to treat chronic pain, muscle tightness, and joint stiffness.

Choose City Shockwave as your provider

Shockwave Therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for many types of injuries and chronic pain. It can improve circulation, reduce pain, and accelerate healing. If you’re looking for an effective non-invasive treatment option, contact us today to schedule an appointment. We can help you find the right solution for your pain or injury.